
“Everything Is A-OK” – Mine+US & DJ Hoppa


Stand-out rhymer Mine+US (pron. “minus”) teamed up with longtime friend, Funk Volume label mate and Hopsin affiliate DJ Hoppa to concoct this dope song off of their collaborative album of the same name. “Everything Is A-OK” is an uplifting track telling the listeners to not give up and to look forward, amongst all the crap that might be coming upon them. It’s a great beat accompanied by tried and true rhymes. The video is rugged with glitchy shots of Mine+US rapping his verses. Watch below, and be sure to get their album, Everything Is A-OK.

Tags : DJ HoppaHopsin

The author Stone

Stone is a hip-hop enthusiast residing in NJ/PA. As an aspiring hip-hop producer, Stone studies communications and shares his passion for music by letting the world in on the wonderful world of hip-hop.